Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)#

The fundamental goal of ZnTrack is to put your workflow onto a graph thereby taking advantage of the mathematical and computational properties of these structures. As graphs, specifically directed acyclic graphs, are such a fundamental component of this package, we have included here a theoretical background section as a helpful reference.


When we talk about graphs here we are not discussing the x-y grid paper diagrams from your favourite high school classes, rather we are talking about the mathematical structures underpinning many modern theories. Graphs in general are defined as sets of vertices connected to each other by edges. A typical example of a graph is shown below:

Image of a standard undirected graph.

In this figure we can see 5 vertices (nodes) each connected to two others by a straight line with no particular direction. Mathematically, one would write this as follows:

\[\begin{split}\text{Let } G &= (V, E) \text{ be a graph with vertex set V and edge set E.} \\ V &= \{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 \}, \text{ and} \\ E &= \{ \{1, 2\}, \{2, 3\}, \{3, 4\}, \{4, 5\}, \{5, 1\} \}\end{split}\]

Note that the edge set \(E\) is a set consisting of smaller sets denoted by their curly braces \(\{ \}\). An important property of a set is that it cannot contain repeated elements and that the elements are permutation invariant. This means that the set \(\{5, 1\}\) is equal to the set \(\{1, 5\}\). The consequence graphically is that the graph we have described with \(G\) is undirected. This can be understood by thinking that when I write \(\{1, 2\}\) that node 1 is connected to node 2 AND vice versa, e.g. node 2 is also connected to node 1.

Directed Graphs (Digraph)#

In a case where we need to have information about the direction of the connections within a graph, it becomes necessary to adapt the way we write them. Graphically a directed graph is constructed by simple identifying directions between vertices as outlined below:

Image of a standard undirected graph.

In this case you can see that node 1 is connected to node 2 but not vice versa. Due to the limitations on set definitions (namely no repeats allowed and permutation invariance) , we need to adapt how we write this down mathematically.

\[\begin{split}\text{Let } G &= (V, E) \text{ be a graph with vertex set V and edge set E.} \\ V &= \{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 \}, \text{ and} \\ E &= \{ (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 4), (5, 1) \}\end{split}\]

Did you spot what changed? Yes, we exchanged the curly brackets \(\{\}\) with a simple parenthesis \(()\) and that has made all the difference. In this case the Edge set has become a set of directed edges rather than a set of sets. In this case each element of \(E\) is not a set but a distinct object and therefore can be repeated. Furthermore, elements within the directed edges are NOT permutation invariant, e.g. \((1, 5) \neq (5, 1)\). With this, we can create a directed graph or digraph as it is commonly referred.

Acyclic Graphs#

The final thing that we need to discuss in our limited introduction to graph theory is the idea of an acyclic graph.

Consider the figure below:

Image of a standard undirected graph.

and its mathematical description:

\[\begin{split}\text{Let G } &= (V, E) \text{ be a graph with vertex set V and edge set E.} \\ V &= \{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 \}, \text{ and} \\ E &= \{ (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 1) \}\end{split}\]

We can see that we have a sort of cycle here, that is, we can start at node 1 and follow it around along the direction of each arrow and end up back at 1. This is what we call a directed cyclic graph or DCG. A consequence of the structure of a DCG is that any change to the nodes in the graph will effect all of the other nodes as they are all connected at some stage.

Consider now a slight change to this graph:

Image of a standard undirected graph.

and its equation:

\[\begin{split}\text{Let } G &= (V, E) \text{ be a graph with vertex set V and edge set E.} \\ V &= \{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 \}, \text{ and} \\ E &= \{ (1, 2), (1, 5), (2, 3), (5, 4), (4, 3) \}\end{split}\]

In this, case, while we still have a directed graph, there are no cycles present. This is therefore referred to as a directed acyclic graph or DAG. Unlike the cyclic graphs, only changes made upstream from a vertex in a DAG will impact on down stream values. This has many consequences for things like parallelization and code workflow generation as well shall later discuss.

Computational Graphs#

Now that we have had a brief overview of the mathematical theory of graphs, let’s discuss how they are used in ZnTrack and broadly in computational sciences. The structure of this section will follow a series of examples each intended to provide insight into a unique application of graphs to computation. Typically in computation we will look at acyclic graphs. This is because in the majority of computation tasks we have some specific order of operations spawning from some parent.

Workflow construction#

The first application we will discuss is workflow construction. Consider the graph below:

Workflow of NN training.

In this example we have a semi-typical NN training procedure. Our computational graph consists of two independent seeding processes followed by a node that brings their results together to finish the training.

Select data uses some algorithm to choose training data points from a pool of possible samples. Maybe it selects the data randomly, maybe it uses a more refined algorithm. Furthermore, it can be used to decide how much training data need be selected. This is completely independent at this stage from the NN model. Once this node is run, an output file will be generated, in this case called data.txt which stores in some way the selected points.

Initialize network weights uses some algorithm to set the initial weights in the neural network. This could also include a type of pre-training on the network for more complex schemes. The outcome of this node is a file called weights.txt which stores the weights of the neural network.

These two nodes, whilst very important to the success of the complete model training, are complete unrelated to one another. Initialization is independent of the data selection and vice versa. An immediate consequence of this is that the two process could be run in parallel with no issues of communication. Indeed this is one huge benefit of graph based computations, they allow one to quickly identify processes that can be run independently in parallel.

Another benefit of this comes when I want to change for example, how much data I use in training. If I have already executed this graph once and the outcomes of the weight initialization are stored somewhere, I should not have to run this node again if I simply wish to change something in the Select data node. In cases where these nodes are computationally expensive, this can save hours if not days of repeated computations.

Parameter tracking#

Building upon the example above, now consider that you want to compare certain values of the data selection node to see how it changes the overall outcome. For example, I want to see how changing the number of training points impacts the accuracy of the model I am training. In order to perform this experiment correctly, one should fix all the other variables, i.e. the weight initialization. Because we ignore this node each time we re-execute the graph if it is not changed, the values of the weights remain constant and the experiment can be considered valid. This is however, only half the battle.

Just by running the graph many times and getting several outputs we do not immediately track the parameters. This is where a graph manager like ZnTrack or its fundamental library DVC become essential. These libraries store each execution of a graph as a branch, commit, or tag in a git repository. This means that your workflow for each input are stored independently an can be easily compared. For example, you may produce a graph for this problem comparing number of training points to accuracy with fixed weight initialization.

Workflow of NN training.


I will add this later when I have a better graphic in mind.

Important Concepts#

With these theoretical topics out of the way it is good to cover some important points that will be helpful to your use of the ZnTrack package.

  1. A node in the graph should be considered completely independent. That is to say, nodes existing downstream from another node do not have direct communication with upstream node. The consequence of this is that in a node you cannot call information that exists within a previous node. The two are unaware of each other except for cached data which is stored on disk after the execution of a node. Keep this in mind when implementing nodes.

  2. Data from each node is unique to that node. This means that the way nodes in your graph communicate is from cached data. That is, output of a node that you want to call in a later node should be stored on disk. This is necessary as each node operation should be isolated and therefore deployable on its own process.

  3. Nodes are launched in a unique Python shell. This means that changes to a running script before a node is executed will change the outcome of that node.