Node Class: The Backbone of ZnTrack#

The zntrack.Node class is at the core of ZnTrack’s functionality. It serves as the base class for class-based Nodes on the Graph. Compared to the function-based approach, the class-based approach has several advantages:

  • The state of the Node is stored as class attributes, providing greater flexibility.

  • Python classes enable more complex logic to be defined.

  • The class can be easily reused in other Nodes.

  • The class state can be serialized more easily.

  • Parameters, inputs, and outputs are handled as class attributes, simplifying the creation of new Nodes.

To define a custom Node, simply inherit from the Node class. Parameters and outputs can be defined in two ways. The from zntrack import zn module enables seamless integration with your existing workflows, allowing Python objects to be automatically serialized.

from zntrack import Node, zn, Project

class SumValues(Node):
    """Node to compute the sum of two parameters."""
    a = zn.params()
    b = zn.params()

    result = zn.outs()

    def run(self):
        """Compute the sum of two parameters."""
        self.result = self.a + self.b

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with Project() as project:
        node = SumValues(a=1, b=2)

We define our parameter using zn.params() and define the respective output using zn.outs().

Gather results#

Using will add the Node as a stage to the DVC Graph. To access the results, we need to run the first graph.

dvc repro

We can now access the results by loading the Node and accessing the respective attributes. It is not only possible to access the results, but also the parameters and inputs.

print(node.result)  # will print 3
print(node.a)  # will print 1

If you don’t have access to the node object, you can also load the Node based on it’s name:

node = SumValues.from_rev(name="SumValues")


The same files as in the previous @nodify example are created. The main difference is the outs of our Node SumValues. Using the zntrack.zn module will store results in the Node Working Directory (nwd), It is typically set as nodes/<nodename>. The outs.json file is used, when calling node.load() to gather the results.

    a: 1
    b: 2
    cmd: zntrack run main.SumValues --name=SumValues
    - SumValues
    - nodes/SumValues/outs.json