Function Decorator: @nodify#


ZnTrack allows us to convert a Python function into a Node on the graph.

from zntrack import nodify, NodeConfig
import pathlib

@nodify(outs=pathlib.Path("outs.txt"), params={"text": "Lorem Ipsum"})
def write_text(cfg: NodeConfig) -> None:

We convert the function write_text into a Node by using the decorator @nodify. We specify two arguments:

  • outs: The output of the Node. This can be a single file, a list of files or directories.

  • params: The parameters of the Node. A dictionary of values used as parameters.

The write_text function receives these arguments as a NodeConfig object. To put the Node on the graph, we need to run it inside the zntrack.Project.


The write_text function can not have any other arguments or any return value. All computations have to be saved to disk. This is a DVC requirement, to ensure reproducibility.

Gather results#

To access the results, we need to run the graph using or dvc repro. This will run the Node and save the results to disk. The file outs.txt is created with the content Lorem Ipsum. At this stage, running the graph again using dvc repro won’t have an affect. This is because the Node does not have changes to its inputs or parameters. If we edit params.yaml and change the text to Hello World, running dvc repro again will update the output file.


If we change the params.yaml file contents back to Lorem Ipsum, calling dvc repro again will load the results from the run cache. See DVC run cache for more information.


Running the Node above from will create the following files for us. The params.yaml file contains the parameter we passed to the write_text function. It is designed to be edited by the user to run the workflow with different parameters

The dvc.yaml file contains the definition of the computational graph. It is automatically generated and should not be edited by the user directly. To update the graph, update and run it again.

The zntrack.json file contains some additional information about the Nodes. It is automatically generated and should not be edited by the user directly.


ZnTrack Nodes can easily be combined with standard DVC stages. Typically, these stages are created by dvc stage add but can also be created manually. ZnTrack will only change entries related to the Nodes that are called in If changes are made to ZnTrack nodes defined in dvc.yaml make sure, to check zntrack.json and as well.

    text: Lorem Ipsum
    cmd: zntrack run main.write_text
    - write_text
    - outs.txt
    "write_text": {
        "outs": {
            "_type": "pathlib.Path",
            "value": "outs.txt"
        "outs_no_cache": null,
        "outs_persist": null,
        "outs_persist_no_cache": null,
        "metrics": null,
        "metrics_no_cache": null,
        "deps": null,
        "plots": null,
        "plots_no_cache": null